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[ フラ フィリッポ リッピ (Fra Filippo Lippi) - 5 ]
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The Pieta


細部 (detail)

Funeral of St Jerome

The Saint's Funeral


細部 (detail)


Adoration of the Child with Saints

Adoration of the Child with Saints

Der thronende heilige Franziskus, flankiert vom heiligen Ludwig von Toulouse und vom heiligen Stephanus, uberreicht der heiligen Klara und ihren Nonnen die Ordensregel des Dritten Ordens der Klarissen



Coronation of the Virgin, Spoleto Cathedral.

細部 (detail)

Annunciation Saint John Anthony Abbot and Saint John the Baptist

Death of the Virgin

Self Portrait (detail)

Madonna della Cintola

Madonna and Child with two Angels

Man of Sorrows

Madonna and Child
≪ Follower of Fra Filippo Lippi and Pesellino ≫

Madonna and Child


細部 (detail)
≪ LIPPI, Fra Filippo, imitator of ≫

paintings by Botticelli(1445-1510)

The Virgin and Child with an Angel
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